At CEED we conceive ourselves as a center for research and analysis of the factors of the public agenda that define local and national development. We work hand in hand with a professional and interdisciplinary team of researchers, intending to understand the situation, the environment, the mechanisms and strategies to access viable answers and solutions that allow a harmonious and sustainable development for all.


For the past two decades we have been working on the Jalisco a Futuro project, an institutional effort focused on creating a strategic vision for the state's development. This is a unique initiative of applied research, where specialists with knowledge of the critical challenges we face come together. This project seeks to influence the formulation of a public action agenda based on knowledge, evidence and expert opinion, placed at the service of the various social actors involved in the resolution of the greatest challenges faced by our state.

This study has three editions:
Jalisco a Futuro 1999 - 2025
Jalisco a Futuro 2012 - 2032 (8 volumes)
Jalisco a futuro 2018 - 2030 (2 volumes)

To learn more about the Jalisco a Futuro project, click on the link.(


In collaboration with the Instituto de Investigación y Estudios de las Ciudades (IN-Ciudades)

[Institute for Research and Studies of Cities] of the Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño [University Center of Art, Architecture and Design] , we participated in the process of Local Public Bidding LPL43/2019 of the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Development of the State of Jalisco (SEMADET for its acronym in Spanish), which was awarded to the Universidad de Guadalajara to carry out the project.

As a result of the academic work carried out, the State Strategy for Territorial Ecological Planning and Urban Development of the State of Jalisco was prepared. This project consists of a methodological proposal, following the process of territorial development to organize, plan and encourage the actors toward the environment protection, the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources and the improvement in the quality of life of people.

The work consisted of a strenuous diagnosis in its first stages through interviews and workshops directed to academics, university students and diverse social actors. Likewise, a data analysis work was carried out to achieve a management strategy supported by the collegiate work of important specialists of this University. 


Given the current situation of global contingency due to COVID-19, the Jalisco a Futuro project assumes an active stance and initiates efforts to envision the outlook for Jalisco after the disruptive effects of the pandemic, through analytical writings of renowned specialists, who perform a series of foresight exercises and strategic proposals to address the crisis from an active stance and oriented to the resolution of problems inherent to the future of our state.

To learn more about the Jalisco a Futuro project, click on the link. (



Urban development

Referring to the study of the set of technical and regulatory instruments for the planning of the urban environment, considered an important factor for the promotion and growth of an entity in its social, financial and physical aspects.


Public opinion, attitude, and values

Its purpose is to carry out a reliable and quality analysis, through different types of studies, methods and research techniques, on values, attitudes, perceptions and opinions that the public has on issues of general interest or social problems.


Public policy

It analyzes, and participates in the process of design, implementation and evaluation of public policies aimed at solving collective problems and responding to the diverse demands of society.


Cultural policies

It analyzes and participates in the process of design, implementation and evaluation of public policies aimed at solving collective problems and responding to the diverse demands of society.


Legislative projects

It analyzes and participates in the process of design, implementation and evaluation of public policies aimed at solving collective problems and responding to the diverse demands of society.